Tummy Tuck surgery

Tummy Tuck surgery

Tummy tuck or lipoabdominoplasty is a surgical procedure which removes excess skin, tightens abdominal muscles and is usually combined with liposuction to remove stubborn fat deposits and give a good shape and contour to abdomen and lower body. It restores a flat abdomen and a normal waistline.

Candidates for tummy tuck surgery:

Indicated in individuals with lax abdomen either due to weight gain or due to changes occurring during pregnancy, Patients who follow regular diet and exercise but have stubborn fat deposits in abdomen along with lax skin, Bariatric surgery patients who have lost excess weight and to get rid of excess loose skin in the lower abdomen.

Post op and recovery:

Tummy tuck surgery is a day case procedure, however in few cases patients may be required to stay overnight. Routine activities can be started from day 3 after surgery, however strenuous exercises or lifting weights should be avoided for six weeks post surgery. A compression garment is usually worn six to eight weeks following surgery to decrease postoperative swelling and maintain the results of surgery.