Fat Grafting Face
Facial volume loss is one of the most important signs of ageing, apart from wrinkling and sagging of skin. This loss of facial volume can cause the cheeks to look flatter and sunken.
In addition to facial implants and dermal fillers, face fat grafting is an excellent procedure to boost facial volume. In facial fat grafting, fat is transferred from one area of the body where it is in excess to face to restore volume.
The fat from areas of excess- abdomen or thigh is removed through liposuction and then prepared for injection into the face.
Since fat is harvested from your own body, it gets accepted and survives restoring volume wherever required.

Common areas of the face treated are flattened cheeks, nasolabial folds, hollow under the eyes, frown lines, marionette lines, and deep wrinkles.
How is fat grafting done?
Fat grafting in the face requires only small volumes of fat, hence it can be done even in thin individuals. It is a simple procedure done under local anesthesia, hence you can go home the same day and start routine activities the next day.
Results from fat grafting:
The results from face fat grafting are permanent and can last for up to ten years, unlike fillers which need to be administered repeatedly. Normal aging changes will affect the fat-grafted areas just like other areas where natural fat is present.